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Lusitania - Wayne Kusy

Lusitania by Wayne Kusey, Photo by Dan Meyers

permanent collection

Bling Universe

The American Visionary Art Museum is one small speck in a Bling Universe where art reflects life, both literally and figuratively. Adorning one's world – transforming it into a place that defies convention, surprising and delighting, providing hope and wonder – is what the Bling Universe is all about.

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“...Creativity is self-generated in areas of the mind beyond or beneath the individual’s willful, conscious control. All he can do is discipline his consciousness to accommodate the needs of the creative process.”

Visionary artist INGO SWANN

from his book, Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP

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Additional Highlights

Behold other enchanting wonders and fan favorites from our permanent collection.

Our Visionaries

Browse artists represented in our collection.

Geraldine O'Riley Lloyd (1943–2024), Visionary Artist

Christopher Moses (1950–2024), Visionary Artist


Grey Carter (1938-2024), art donor and patron

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