Amezcua Chelo Gonzalez
Chelo Gonzalez Amezcua was born in Piedras Negras, Mexico. She moved with her family to Del Rio, Texas in 1913, where she lived the rest of her life. She had a happy upbringing and attended school for six years, never receiving any formal training in art.
Amezcua was known to have a joyful and generous spirit and loved dancing, singing and being in nature. She created drawings and stone carvings and wrote poetry about her life and views on science, astronomy, art and God. Her subject matter ranges from mystical or exotic places and stories from the Bible to mythical and regal figures, to gardens and birds.
She became well known late in her life for her intricate ballpoint-pen drawings. Before she died, her artworks were exhibited in the United States and Mexico in galleries and museums.
Amezcua attributed her special abilities as an artist to God and expressed her gratitude often in her poetry and letters:
"...school of arts I couldn't afford
and for that I thank the Lord
for what He has given me
is the truth of his great love
for Him I write
and carve a stone
and make a drawing
and sing a song"