Norbert H. Kox
Norbert H. Kox was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin on August 6, 1945, the same day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. By age seventeen Kox was an alcoholic. He quit high school in 1962 and joined the army, where in his spare time he taught himself to paint in the Service Club art center at Warner Kaserne, Munich, Germany. This included studying how-to manuals. After his stint in the service, he continued to drink heavily while working on custom cars and motorcycles for a living. Kox became a member of the Waterloo Outlaws biker gang, but "hit bottom" by his thirtieth birthday after a bad drug trip. He swore off alcohol and drugs, gave away most of his possessions and retreated to the wilderness. For the next ten years he meditated and lived by himself in the woods near Suring, Wisconsin. Here he built a personal chapel and a "Gospel Road" with scripture-based messages leading through the forest to a gruesome life-sized sculpture of the crucifixion. Around 1980 he joined a conservative Pentecostal Christian group and continued his Bible studies. In 1985, he returned to Green Bay to pursue an education at the University of Wisconsin, where he studied geology, religion and writing, but finished in art, after which he took up painting full-time as his way of life. At age sixty-eight, 2013 marked his 50th year as an artist.
According to Kox's website, his artwork and writings "...denounce idolatry and hypocrisy as sins of organized religion," and his "APOCALYPTIC VISUAL PARABLES are a prophetic revelation, or apocalypse of the end times." Kox believed that his works "...reveal that much of modern Christianity has been duped by the Adversary and has actually become the religion of the Antichrist. The world stands in judgment, with change on one side of the balance, and destruction on the other."
Links: For more information on Norbert Kox, visit http://nkox.homestead.com/index.html.