High On Life: Transcending Addiction
Oct. 5, 2002 - Sep. 1, 2003
Image Gallery

2002, collection of Chris Mars

2002, collection of Elizabeth McGrath

2002, courtesy of the Louise Ross Gallery

1995, collection of Alice Ray Yelen

1999, collection of Ray Kessler

2002, courtesy of Barrister's Gallery
About the Exhibition
We human beings are hardwired to experience ecstasy, epiphany, laughter, and bliss. From being little children twirling in the summer sun to experience the altered state of becoming falling-down-in a dizzy bliss, we are not so far removed from adult whirling dervishes, seeking spiritual attunement with the harmonious spin of the planet. This exhibition was conceived as an opportunity for very compassionate communal look at the broad spectrum of addictive behaviors - from narcotics to food, shopping to sex, smoking to obsessive compulsive behaviors - and a chance to report on what legal and medical systems worldwide have had the greatest positive impact on recovery.
our generous sponsors