Parenting: An Art without a Manual
Oct. 6, 2018 - Sep. 1, 2019
Zanvyl A. Krieger Main Building
Image Gallery

2016. Pressed yarn on wood. Courtesy of the artist.

2005. Mixed media. Gift of The Lower East Side Girls' Club.

2010-2017. Clay, oil paint, burnt gesso, nail polish.

2017. Watercolor on paper. Courtesy of Daniel Belardinelli.

2002. House paint and nail polish on paper. Courtesy of the artist.

1990. Crapas on paper, vintage fabric, thread. Courtesy of the artist.
About the Exhibition
"This was an exhibition that aimed to guide the visitor of any age to better understand parenting as one of the key, most powerful of all influential forces known to humankind. Its full title was, 'PARENTING: An Art Without a Manual — exploring the good, the bad, the horrific and the sublime.' Like all of its fellow great powers — money, sex, religion, food, and government — parenting is in and of itself neither good nor bad, but rather a powerful magnifier of intention. The hope of this exhibition was to deepen both personal and collective understanding of the challenges and importance of parenting and awaken the freeing power of forgiveness for both our parent and child selves. Michael Levine wisely observed, “Having a child makes you no more a parent, than having a piano makes you a pianist.” Dozens of artists courageously shared a full-range of parent/child, poignant and personal, experience." - Founder, Director, and Chief Curator, Rebecca Hoffberger
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