group visits
The museum is a perfect destination for your school's field trip or group outing. We offer guided tours and art workshops for groups of 10-60 participants. Pricing information can be found here.
Adult groups & K-12 groups, tour only
For self-guided or docent-led tours we can accommodate groups up to 60 individuals. While at the museum you will be asked to separate into smaller groups to allow for safe social distancing while walking through the galleries. If you are interested in a docent-led tour please indicate in the group visit request form. There is no additional cost for requesting a docent however our docents are volunteers. Please choose a few possible dates for your visit and fill in your group information to the best of your ability. It is okay to estimate the size of your group, and update your numbers at a later date. We will do our best to accommodate your group’s request for a guided tour.
$8.00 per student K-12
$9.00 per college/university student
$12.00 per adult/chaperone
Additional information
Title 1: Title 1 Schools are FREE. If you are a Title 1 School please be sure to list the name of your school under the "organization/school" field in the form so that we can reference the Maryland State Department of Education Title I Schools list in order to verify your status and apply your discount.
Docent Tours: Our docent tour guides are volunteers and are not always available when requested. AVAM will do its best to provide a docent for your visit. As a museum founded on the idea of self-intuitive artistry, AVAM is designed to be self-guided. We trust your group will have an enjoyable visit, even if that means exploring AVAM without a docent tour guide.
Bus Funding: AVAM does have funding to pay for buses. Baltimore City Title 1 schools may be able to receive money to pay for the bus to the museum. Contact us to learn more.
If you have any questions please email Diamond Gray at groupvisits@avam.org.

“Anybody can do something with a million dollars.
But it takes someone really special
to make something out of nothing.”

K-12 group visit with a workshop
Give students an opportunity to explore their creativity in a new way with one of these art workshops.
K-12 Group workshops
If you would like to include a workshop with your group's visit, your group size can be no larger than 60 students. For group visits with workshops, please plan for a 2 hour visit. K-12 Groups with workshops can be scheduled at either 10:00AM or 1:00 PM, Wednesday-Friday.
$11 per workshop participant
$12 per adult / chaperone
K-12 Group Visit with a workshop
Virtual Tours
Our guided tours are slideshows with a live, expert docent as guide and to answer your questions. Duration: 45 minutes. Fill out our Virtual Group Visit Request Form and choose your date, time, and tour. We'll be in touch with the logistics and link to join. View the tour options here.
$5 per participant. Free for Title I schools. Payment is due before your scheduled program, paid in one transaction. We can send you an invoice and receipt of payment.
tour menu

Collection Highlights
Tour some fan favorites of our wondrous collection of art by self-taught artists.

Good Sports:
The Wisdom & Fun of Fair Play
Explore a creative view of both the history and current state of sports - one full of fun, wisdom, and passion - all to exalt sports as one of humankind’s most fabulous avenues for becoming our very best selves.

Esther and the Dream of One Loving Human Family
Tour the exquisitely tender testimonial embroideries created by Holocaust survivor, Esther Nisenthal Krinitz.